Pocahontas Code Enforcement
Located in City Hall
410 N. Marr St.

David Dement & Kevin Dunham
Code Enforcement Officer/ Building Inspector
David Dement (870) 378-0263 Kevin Dunham (870) 810-7153
Our goal...
The goal of the Code Enforcement Department is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of individuals living, working and doing business within the City of Pocahontas through proactive enforcement methods. Our team strives to provide quality customer service and support to individuals, contractors, and businesses while helping them comply with all current codes and ordinances.


Building permits and inspections are required to erect, alter, or enlarge any structure on your residential or commercial property. Permits and inspections are also needed when the owner or contractor installs, alters, repairs, or replaces any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing, the installation of which is regulated by the technical codes. Proof of licensing is required by all contractors to obtain any permits. A homeowner may perform work on their primary residence without a license but permits and inspections are still required. Work may not begin until after the permit has been paid for and approved.
All inspections must be requested and performed before being covered by insulation or finish materials. Final inspections must be performed before occupancy. When an inspection does not pass, an ample amount of time will be given to correct the issues and then a re-inspection must be requested.
Permit Applications
Fill out the permit application and return it to 410 N Marr St. or email to codeenforce@cityofpocahontas.com
Along with the permit application, provide a plot plan, submitted in two copies, drawn to scale, showing the size and location of the building to be constructed; indicating setbacks from perimeter property boundary lines, off-street parking, and such other information as may be deemed necessary.
All fabrication, erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repairs of buildings or structures shall meet the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code or other applicable state and city building codes.
Once approved, the contact on the application will be called and notified of the fee. Permits can be picked up at the Pocahontas City Hall building at 410 N Marr St. and paid for in cash or check.
When picking up the permit, all contractors need to leave a copy of their Arkansas state licenses, if not already filed.
Any work completed before issuance of permit will result in double permit fees. In emergency cases, damaged meters/services from accidents, storms, etc. the penalty is waived.
Once work is complete call 892-9661 or email to codeenforce@cityofpocahontas.com to schedule appropriate inspections. Inspections will be made the following business day. Until the inspections have been approved no walls, ceilings or floors may be covered up. This could result in said areas being uncovered for inspection purposes.
If the permit is for any commercial or industrial use a Certificate of Occupancy application must be turned in prior to final inspections.
Until the Certificate of Occupancy is approved, the space is not permitted for public occupancy. This means you may NOT open for business before approval.